VaraShiva Baalam - Nottuswaram Series


varashiva baalam

Raagam: ShankaraabharaNam

Aa: S R2 G3 M1 P D2 N3 S

Av: S N3 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

Taakam: Catushra Eka

Composer: Muttuswaami Dikshitar

Language : Sanskrit


G M G M D, P, G, P, M, R,

M,G, S, S, G M G M D, P,

G, P, M, R, S G SG S, S,

N SN S G, R, N, R, S D

S, N, P, P,N, S, N, S, G, R,

N, R, S, D, P D P D S , , ,


Vara Shiva balam

Valli lolam

Vande nandam

Hari hara modam

Hamsa nandam

Hasasa mukham

Guruguha Roopam

Guptha Kaaram


Sura pati sevam


Sura vinutham (x3)


Vande - I bow to

vara siva balam - the distinguished son of Shiva

valli lolam - the one attached to valli

anantam - the infinite one

hari hara modam - the delight of vishnu and shiva

hamsanandam - the giver of bliss to yogis known as Hamsas

hasita mukham - the one with a smiling face

guru guha rupam - the one embodied as guruguha

guptakaram - the one whose form is esoteric

gorakshamtam - the protector of the earth

sura pati senam - the commander of Indra's army

subrahmanyam - Subrahmanya

sura vinutam - the one lauded by the Devas


Rama Kodanda rama

gurumurthe bahukirthe

ten pazhani nathanukku

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