Jokes for 3rd Graders | Startup


This collection features fun and engaging jokes tailored for 3rd graders. The jokes are light-hearted and easy to understand, making them perfect for young students who are developing a strong sense of humor. Whether it's a quick joke during recess or something to share at the dinner table, these are sure to get laughs. 

Here's a list of jokes just for 3rd graders !

1. Why did the teacher go to the beach ?

ANSWER : To test the water !

2. Why do elephants never use computers ?

ANSWER : Because they're afraid of the mouse!

3. Why did the cow go to outer space ?

ANSWER : To see the Moooon!

4. Why did the picture go to jail ?

ANSWER : Because it was framed!

5. What did the triangle say to the circle ?

ANSWER : "You're Pointless ! "

6. Why don't fish play basketball ?

ANSWER : Because they're afraid of the net !

7. Why did the baseball team hire a cook ?

ANSWER : They needed a good batter.

8. What falls in winter but never gets hurt ?

ANSWER : Snow!

9. What season is it when you're on a trampoline ?

ANSWER : Spring-time !

10. What's the king of the pencil case ?

ANSWER : The ruler

11. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants ?

ANSWER : In case he got a hole in one!

12. What do you call a bear who gets caught in the rain ?

ANSWER: A drizzly bear!

13. How do cows stay up to date ?

ANSWER : They read the moos-paper.

14. How do you make a lemon drop ?

ANSWER : Just let it fall !

15. What did the big flower say to the little flower ?

ANSWER : "Hi bud!"

16. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog ?

ANSWER : Frostbite

17. Why did the kid cross the playground ?

ANSWER : To get to the other slide!

18. Why did the chicken join the band ?

ANSWER : Because it had the drumsticks !

19. Why did the math book look so worried ?

ANSWER : It had too many problems

20. What's a snake's favorite subject ?

ANSWER : Hisstory

21. What gets wet while it's drying ?

ANSWER : A Towel !

22. What did one penny say to another penny ?

ANSWER : We make cents

23. What are the strongest days of the week ?

ANSWER : Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weak days.

24. Why was the math book sad ?

ANSWER : Because it had so many problems.

25. Why did the student eat his homework ?

ANSWER : Because his teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

26. What time would it be if Godzilla came to school ?

ANSWER : Time to run !

27. What kind of key opens a banana ?

ANSWER : A monkey !

28. What do you call a pounding headache ?

ANSWER : A temple tantrum !

29. Why did the Rudolph have a bad report card ?

ANSWER : Because he went down in History !

30. Why don't scientists trust atoms ?

ANSWER : Because they make up everything!




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  1. Love these clean and kid-friendly jokes for 3rd graders! Startup Cooking's collection is perfect for sparking laughter and creativity in young minds. The simple and relatable humor will surely delight kids and parents alike. I appreciate the effort to curate jokes suitable for this age group. To know about sexual defense attorney.
