Easy Math Riddles for Kids | Riddles | Startup


math riddles

These easy and funny Math Riddles for Kids are a wonderful way to get children practicing their arithmetic and basic math skills. Some of these math riddles are purposely designed to check the thinking abilities and do not require much math.

Be assured all of these math brain teasers will test your kids for critical thinking, problem solving, reading comprehension abilities (Yes! You read it right!) and above all, their common sense.

20 Animal Riddles

1. If there are 9 oranges and you take away 3, how many oranges do you have ?


2. If a father has 8 sons, and each son has a sister, how many children does he have ?

ANSWER : 9 children - 8 sons and 1 daughter

3. There is an empty box, and it has a diameter of one foot. How many oranges can be put in this empty box ?

ANSWER : One, as after you place one orange, the box is not empty anymore!

4. This shape has more than 4 sides and less than 9 sides and can be found in a beehive predominantly ? What shape is it ?

ANSWER : Hexagon

5. What can we call a polygon with 3 sides and 3 vertices ?

ANSWER : Triangle !

6. Suppose you have three ostriches on your farm laying three eggs in three minutes. How many ostriches do you need to produce 700 eggs in 700 minutes ?

ANSWER : Only three. You don't need additional birds because three ostriches together are laying eggs at an average of one egg per minute.

7. Guess the number. Multiply any number by this number and the answer will always be the same ? What is this number ?

ANSWER : It's zero. Multiplying anything by 0 equals to 0.

8. How can you take 2 from 5 and still have 4 ?

ANSWER : Remove the 2 letters F and E from FIVE and you are left with IV

9. How many times can you subtract the number 4 from 20 ?

ANSWER : Only once because after you subtract, it is not going to be 20 anymore

10. I have no angles but I am not a circle. What 2D shape am I ?

ANSWER : I am an Oval!

11. I have two equal opposite parallel sides, but I am not always a rectangle. What shape am I ?

ANSWER : Parallelogram

12. In two years, Charles' age will be thrice his twin Peter's age eight years ago. How old are Charles and Peter now ?

ANSWER : Charles and Peter are twins so their age would be the same. They both are 13 now; eight years ago, they were 5; and in two years, they will be 15.

13. Alex and Emma are awaiting their second child. If the elder child is a girl, then what is their chance to have another girl ?

ANSWER : 50%. This is because the gender of the second child is not dependent on the gender of the earlier child.

14. How can you make 42 using five 3's and only addition ?

ANSWER : 3 + 3 + 3 + 33 = 42

15. Which 3D shape looks like your favorite ice cream ?


16. Eight boys meet each other. Each of them shakes hands only once with each of the other boys. How many handshakes took place ?


17. A long 400 - feet train travels 400 feet per minute. It goes through a 400-feet tunnel. How long does it take for a train to travel through the tunnel ?

ANSWER : It will take two minutes. It will take one minute for the nose of the train and one more minute for the last wagon of the train to travel through the tunnel.

18. Robin tosses a coin 10 times and it lands in the head up position all ten times. So what are the possible chances for him to toss it up again and get landed in heads up position ?

ANSWER : He has a 50% chance to see the heads up position. This is because the coin toss is not dependent on the first 10 tosses.

19. Once upon a time, there were seven dwarfs who were all brothers. They were all born two years apart. The youngest dwarf is seven years old. How old is his oldest brother ?

ANSWER : The Oldest Brother is 19 years.

20. What do math teachers like to eat ?


21. If you count 4 years, how many days will there be altogether ?

ANSWER : 1461 days. 365 x 4 + 1 = 1461 as one of the years is a leap year

22. In a class, there are 12 kids. If six kids are wearing socks, 4 wearing shoes and 3 are wearing both. How many are bare feet ?

ANSWER : 5 Kids are bare feet

23. Michelle is 54 years old and her mother is 80, how many years ago was the age of Michelle's mother three times Michelle's age ?

ANSWER : Forty-One

24. Three times what number is no larger than two times that same number ?


25. How can you make 20 using only four 9s ?

ANSWER : 9 + 99/9 = 20 

26. How can you make 33 using five 4s ?

ANSWER : 44 - 44/4 = 33

27. X is a three digit number. The tens digit is 5 more than the ones digit. The hundreds digit is 8 less than the tens digit. What is X ?

ANSWER : 194

28. What do you get if you divide 2 by half ?


29. If 1 = 4, 2 = 8, 3 = 12; What does 4 equal to ?

ANSWER : 1! It's given 1 = 4, hence 4 =1!

30. I am not an odd number. I am more than 90 but not more than 100. If you subtract me from 100, you get nothing. What number am I ?

ANSWER : 100

31. If you were to pick a random odd number between 1 and 10, what are the chances that you will pick an odd number ?

ANSWER : 50%

32. What is the next number in the series ? 7645, 5764, 4576 ?

ANSWER : 6,457 ! The last number is moved to the front to make the next number in the series.

33. Amy has as many apples as there are complete weeks in a year. How many apples does she have ?

ANSWER : 52 apples

34. A sphere has three, a circle has two; What is it ?

ANSWER : Dimensions! A sphere has three dimensions and a circle has two dimensions.

35. Bees love geometry. What's their favorite figure ?

ANSWER : It's a hexagon

36. What should you add to 55,555 to make it equal 500 ?

ANSWER : The minus sign! Place minus (-) between 555 and 55 to make 555 - 55 = 500.

37. Which statement is correct: 12 plus 15 is 28, or 15 plus 12 are 28 ?

ANSWER : Both are false because 12 + 15 = 27 not 28.

38. Your mother has ordered a pizza for eight people. How many times will she need to cut the pizza to get eight slices ?

ANSWER : Four times!

39. Identify the pattern and find the next number in the sequence -2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ...

ANSWER : 64! The pattern is to double each consecutive number

40. I'm a place in a city, but I am also a math problem solution! The math problem is: What should you multiply by six to get a cube ?

ANSWER : Times Square

41. What is half of 2 plus 2 ?

ANSWER : 3. Half of 2 is 1 and 1 + 2 = 3 !

42. What can you put between a 7 and 8 so that the result is greater than seven, but less than eight ?

ANSWER : A decimal point ! 7< 7.8 < 8

43. What is the product if you multiply all numbers on a phone's dial pad ?


44. If you place three matches on a table and tell a friend to add two more matches to make eight, how can he do so ?

ANSWER : Make a Roman numeral eight

45. I asked a girl how old she was. She said, "In 2 years, I will be twice as old as I was 5 years ago." How old is she ?


46. A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible ?

ANSWER : He was born on February 29th

47. The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be (there are 3 possible solutions) ?

ANSWER : 42 and 24 or 51 and 15 or 60 and 6

48. I add five to nine and get two. The answer is correct, but how ?

ANSWER : When it is 9 am, add 5 hours to it, and you will get 2 pm

49. Arrange four nines to make it equal to 100 ?

ANSWER : 99 + 9/9 = 100

50. Write down the next number in the pattern: 2, 3, 5, 8, 13


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